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Open To The Wild Body


Two Weekend Retreats and a Retreat Series  

Autumn Weekend Retreat:

Call Of The Wind


October 11th - 14th 2024

Wind speaks in a voice beyond words, it opens

our senses and wakes up our body.


In this time of many changes, the climate is one of our greatest challenges. 

How can we meet these changes without them overwhelming us?

We may be reminded of what we value; we may also feel much loss and grief.



The Wind is a great teacher.

When we move with the Wind we meet different energies. A strong force requires us to find our ground, a gentle breeze can open us to our own soft heart. As a partner in movement Wind can show us how to stay steady, it can also give us practice in falling over and a chance to explore how to stand up. Of course, as we know, it will blow away what's not needed to clear space for the new. 


In this time of change and uncertainty I find there can be some relief in meeting the weather, just as it is, to listen and allow myself to move and be moved. Though this I also allow myself to be changed. 


We meet the wind and the weather to learn how to stay 


The trees and falling leaves can help us be 


To help us let go, as the

world changes.

Supporting us to find clarity as to how we move forward.



During this weekend we will take time in a warm indoor space to deepen into our body and its rhythms, through movement, stillness, meditation and creativity - to find our ground and allow what nourishes and supports us. From this inner alignment we will spend time outside. By honouring our connection with the earth, the wind, the plants and the weather we learn from and align with the Autumn and the rhythm of this season. 

We will gather around a Sacred Fire in a ceremony to support us to receive our heart's inspiration. 


£395.00 fully residential with ensuite bedrooms.

Early Bird discount 10% if booked before 12th July. 

(some bursary assisted places available)

Friday 6 pm to Monday 9.30 am in a beautiful Dartmoor environment.

Max 10 participants. 18 hours CPD

Winter Weekend Retreat:

Rhythm of the Bones

February 7th - 10th 2025 


Winter brings an invitation to rest and to nourish ourselves. 

So easy to resist this in the busyness of our lives!


This weekend is an opportunity to drop into the depths of ourselves. Just as the trees are pared back to their bare branches, we can meet this in the Rhythm of our Bones. In Chinese Five Element understanding, the bones are one of the organs that relate to the winter and the Water Element.


Our bones support and nourish our body in many ways.

Aside from holding our body up in the obvious way, 

they re-generate our blood and activate hormones to meet stress. 

The winter is, therefore, an important time to nourish ourselves and build resources for the rest of the year.


We will spend time in a warm indoor space attuning to our body and its rhythms through movement, meditation and creativity.

From this inner alignment we listen with the land, the river, the rocks, the weather and the plants. In the cold and the dark we learn to flow with the 

Wisdom of Winter.



We will gather around a Sacred Fire in a ceremony to support us to receive

our heart's inspiration. 



£395.00 fully residential with ensuite bedrooms. 

Early Bird discount 10% if booked before 6th December.

(some bursary assisted places available)

Friday 6 pm to Monday 9.30 am in a beautiful Dartmoor environment.

Max 10 participants. 18 hours CPD 

Listen with the Land

Land in the Body


A year's cycle of four weekends beginning April 2025 

An opportunity to deepen your embodied experience of yourself in relation to the turning of the seasons. This series will be of particular interest but is not exclusively for those who work therapeutically with others and wish to explore how to incorporate movement based practices into what you offer. It will also be of value as a personal journey of enquiry and process of remembering what may have been forgotten in your relationship with your body and the land.


The ground of enquiry is to come home to the body by attuning to your own rhythm and timing through a combination of movement, meditation and creativity. In this way we support greater alignment both inner and outer. 


Our own rhythms and tides are not separate from those of the rhythms of nature. From the ground of our body we open to each season through movement and embodied practices directly in relation to the elements. 


From here we explore movement practices that support others to deepen into a compassionate, congruent, and embodied relationship with themselves, others and the planet.


Acknowledging the continuum of our connectedness with the natural world we will place a particular focus on how we relate to the ever changing climate and weather, the response of plants and trees and how this touches us in our personal process. 

 The course will include:


  • Time, space and guidance to open more intimately to yourself, your rhythm and timing.


  • An opportunity to deepen your relationship with the support of the wider holding field of Source.


  • Exploration of principles of embodiment and what brings us into more alignment and coherence between our physical, emotional, energetic and spiritual bodies in relation to the body of the land.


  • Honouring a dynamic reciprocal relationship with the living natural world.


  • Learning from nature though time in the land, listening, moving and meeting the seasons and all they hold - warmth, cold, wind, rain, stillness, movement, clouds and thunder etc.


  • Exploring 'Body Journeys' - a way of relating, similar to that of shamanic dream journeys but experienced through the body and movement.


  • Movement practices that facilitate others in movement and stillness to promote more alignment with healing and embodiment. 


  • Practices and support for you in your holding of others.


  • Principles of holistic healing to support you in your understanding and tracking of emerging processes.


  • Sacred Fire Ceremony to support us in our connection with the holding field. 


  • Exploration of how we listen, honour and meet what arises - e.g. resistance, excitement, emotion etc.


  • Individual enquiry between sessions.


  • Learning from each others experience and sharing of your own to mutually deepen our understanding of the process of healing on this planet at this time. 


I look forward to sharing what I have learnt over many years of working with individuals and groups, about healing through movement and in relationship with the natural world. This is a synthesis of my work that has been supported by many wonderful teachers. I will draw on my background of experience of Rhythmic/Movement Healing, Plant Spirit Medicine, The Chinese Five Elements, Homeopathy, Tibetan Buddhist Meditation and Psychotherapy. With huge gratitude in particular to Sandra Reeve, Prapto Suryodarmo, Ruth Noble, Eliot Cowan, Misha Norland, Maura and the Karuna Institute and to my husband Rob for our journey together with Tibetan Buddhist Meditation.


I also look forward to seeing what emerges through the group learning, as we enter into an open and curious enquiry into the nature of the continuum of our experience from body awareness to planetary alignment.


Please note: 


The course is particularly suitable for those who are both sensitive yet robust and may also support these qualities. 


There will be some walking on rough ground so a basic level of physical fitness is necessary.


This is a trauma informed course but also requires you to have the capacity to hold yourself and make choices as to what you feel safe to bring.


Alongside the exploration of our embodiment, this course can be received as an introduction to working with others but not as a full training. It will, however, give you a broad view of healing through body awareness and an opportunity to explore this in relation to the natural world.


If you are interested in the years course but haven't worked with me before then the Autumn or Winter retreat would be a good introduction.


You will receive a certificate of completion at the end for CPD,18 hours per weekend.


Further training in more depth may be available in the future. 


Dates are as follows: - please let me know if you would like to know more or are interested to book a place.


April 25th - 28th 2025

July 11th - 14th 2025

October 24th - 27th 2025

February - 6th - 9th 2026


£425.00 per weekend, fully residential with ensuite bedrooms.

Early Bird discount 10% if booked before 24th Jan 2025.

(some bursary assisted places available)

Friday 6 pm to Monday 9.30 am in a beautiful Dartmoor environment.

Max 10 participants. 


Rhythm of Nature - Rhythm of the Land - Rhythm of my body 

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