Healing from the Source
Meditation and Movement Retreats
Anna and Rob Preece

Each year Anna and Rob run residential retreats in Devon combining the practices of meditatoin and movement. These retreats are rooted within the Tibetan Buddhist tradition where meditations include the practice of Mahamudra, meditation on the nature of mind, and certain tantric practices. Integral to the meditation is the process of movement as a means of embodying and liberating what arises during the process of practice. Having run these retreats together since 1987 Anna and Rob have found the combination of meditation and movement is a profound transformational practice. The inclusion of Anna's movement alongside tantric practice in particular offers a means of healing emotional patterns that are often not touched by meditation on its own. It also brings about the capacity for deeper experience of meditation and greater capacity to embody experience.
Rob has many years of experience teaching tantric practice and Mahamudra. His primary intention has been to make these practices accessible and relavant to contemporary Western mind and Western life. The tantric tradition is a profound lineage fo practice that has come to the west but needs to be brought into relationship with our particular Western psychological needs. This has been at the heart of Rob's work and writing.
Rob and Anna's psychotherapuetic and healing backgrounds offer a safe and compassionate space within which healing, transformation and deepening of insight can occur. Combined with the beautiful environment of Brimpts Farm on Dartmoor, these retreats offer a rich and nourishing experience.
These retreats are for those who have some experience of Buddhist meditation. If you are interested but have not worked with either of us before we like to meet or speak with you so that we can explore together whether this retreat will be appropriate for you.

November 15-22nd 2024
Rob Preece and Anna Murray Preece
Brimpts Farm, Devon, UK.
Fee: £750 - £950
We each have within us an innate source of health, vitality and wisdom known as our Buddha Nature. In the Tantric tradition we can awaken a relationship to this source of healing through the practice of Vajrasattva. This retreat offers an opportunity to experience the extraordinary nature of this way of healing. It will combine the practices of Mahamudra and healing movement to enable the liberation and transformation of the energy of emotions, stress and tension held in the body.
Traditionally the practice of Vajrasattva is one of the preliminary practices for Tantra. It is regarded as profound foundation of awakening to our innate nature that can become a resource throughout our life. The process of movement is important to enable a deepening of our capacity to transform and liberate our emotional life. This also deepens the capacity for meditation and frees energy that can become stuck in sitting practice. The practice of Mahamudra opens us to the innate, pristine nature of the the mind and the experience of non-duality.
This retreat is appropriate for those who have some experience of Buddhist meditation, it is not considered an introduction for those without experience.
Numbers limited to 12.
If you are interested to attend please contact Anna: annamurraypreece@gmail.com
This retreat is appropriate for those who have some experience of Buddhist meditation.
If you would like to enquire about these retreats contact Anna : 01364 631052