Healing from the Source
Healing from the Source

My current work arises from over 35 years of working in the field of health and healing. My training began with Homeopathy in 1984 followed closely by the extensive study of movement healing with many different teachers. Over the last 20 years I have been working with healing more directly. This is supported by my training in Plant Spirit Medicine, Rhythmic Healing and Mindfulness Based Core Process Psychotherapy.

My work includes:
Therapeutic Movement/Rhythmic Healing
Rhythmic Healing is a movement based therapeutic healing process. It promotes an inner alignment which can enable you to connect to your core energy, enabling more congruency between inner feeling and outer expression. This also means that what is stuck or held can find a way to release, safely and naturally so that what is stuck or held may find its way to release safely and naturally.
Plant Spirit Medicine
Plant Spirit Medicine is a gentle but powerful healing modality. It brings together two potent ways of working, the Chinese Five Element system of diagnosis and ancient shamanic techniques of dreaming to communicate with plants.
Plant Spirit Medicine Healer Training
Started in April 2022 - completing now - new healers to be announced soon!
Foundation year one: Learn from nature - using movement, meditation and creative enquiry to help us attune to and explore our embodied experience of the elements. It is a programme designed for healing and transformation as we move towards greater alignment with ourselves, others and this planet through our relationship with the plants. (A stand alone year as a necessary foundation for year two).
Practitioner year two: This will include techniques of diagnosis and treatment protocols used in Plant Spirit Medicine, as taught by Eliot Cowan. These harness the natural power of the plant spirits to strengthen the constitution and clear energy blocks.
Core Process Psychotherapy
Mindfulness Based Core Process Psychotherapy is a western therapeutic approach informed by Buddhist understanding, integrating body and mind.
Opening to the Wild Body
Residential weekends of movement and meditation to support alignment with the season. These promote an embodied relationship with nature through connection with the land, plants and weather, nourished by the warmth and inspiration of time spent around a Sacred Fire.
Meditation and Movement- with Rob Preece
Retreats combining the practices of Tibetan Buddhist Tantra and Rhythmic Healing. Rob brings the practice of Tibetan Buddhism into contemporary western life. Movement facilitates the process of grounding and integrating meditation through the body.
Homoeopathy is a subtle, yet effective healing method used by many with often remarkable results. I am deeply grateful for the understanding and support I feel from having a strong background in homeopathic philosophy and practice. I use homeopathy where appropriate in my work. I am not currently taking new homeopathy clients.
If you would like to enquire about my work contact : 01364 631052